Today’s Power Acronym is based on an exercise by Harvard Professor Tal Ben Shahar @tal_benshahar that he calls Appreciative Inquiry.
He shared this in one of the Heroic community talks and I thought it was an excellent journaling exercise. The instructions of the exercise serve as the
Take your Bic pen 🖋️ and...
Power Acronym 7: B.I.C.
…take the BEST of your past (years, months, weeks, or days)
Think back to yesterday, last week, or reflect on the last year and write down some “bests”.
What are some best memories?
Where did you show up as your best?
What would your spouse or family member say was you at your best?
…to INSPIRE the present
Now, how could that influence what you can do NOW?
Or, this week?
…and CREATE the future
It’s time to Create!
How can you recreate something similar this year/this week/today?
B.I.C. is a powerful journaling exercise to use for reflection and personal inventory of what we can appreciate about the experiences we have had to design the life that we want.
Let me know the result of your inquiry!
Power Acronym Daily
366 Acronyms to encourage, enrich, and empower.