
The New Year Engagement Matrix: Where do you fall?

Happy New Year! [ Video+Notes ]

I have been thinking about the different ways people engage with the New Year, so I decided to create "The New Year Engagement Matrix".

The Y the matrix represents a spectrum of Personal Agency, where the X axis represents a more spectrum of Ambition toward the New Year.

The two axis create four quadrants and identify the mood and behavior of folks along the ends of the two spectrums.

What quadrant would you put yourself in?

Top Right (Discipline + Enthusiasm) 
"Achiever" - Thrives on action, growth, and accomplishment

Top Left (Discipline + Apathy)
"Preserver" - Finds comfort in routines and sticking to what works

Bottom Right (Chaos + Enthusiasm)
"Explorer" - Energized by new possibilities and spontaneity

Bottom-Left (Chaos + Apathy)
"Wanderer" - Stays in a state of inaction, reaction, and uncertainty

I expound on each in the video which you can watch on YouTube. Here's a screenshot of the notes I take:

Here are some questions to reflect on depending on which quadrant you find yourself in:

Achievers: "How can I sustain my momentum while balancing ambition with self-care?"

Preservers: "What small change could bring excitement or purpose to my routine?"

Explorers: "How can I channel my energy into a clear plan or goal?"

Wanderers: "What is one small step I can take to break out of my current stagnation?"

Let me know what you think in a comment below or on YouTube what you think and which quadrant best represents you as we embark on 2025!

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