In this episode I'm talking about a reintroduction and reimagining about how we view ourselves and the work we do.
Have you ever used a life metaphor for yourself? Do you know the origin of your name? I was reminded and felt inspired by mine recently so I'm inviting you to explore your own.
I also share a poem from the collection I'm writing during National Poetry Month called "Tomorrow Again".
Tomorrow Again
When tomorrow is
just another yesterday
we pace around the truth
buried beneath our feet
instead of digging under
the walled garden and
breaking new ground
on the other side of struggle
we hold ourselves stuck
with the story that bears repeating
we cuddle burdens to stay comfortable
repeat the words that cudgel us
into a seed on broken ground
when we place ourselves
at the source of fertility
we regenerate ourselves
rooted in the domain of a new season
leave yesterday
lean into tomorrow
long live today
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